Bethany Hender

Bethany Hender is the head of our Employment and Discrimination Practice. Beth joined the Centre in 2018 and brings a strong focus on using the legal process to ensure women can assert their rights and obtain redress.

Since joining the Centre, she has worked to shape the Centre’s Employment and Discrimination Practice to include a strong focus on assisting women to assert their rights and entitlements at work, including access to maternity leave and flexible work arrangements. She also leads the Centre’s representation and advice to women who have experienced discrimination in broader areas of public life, including in the delivery of government services and the provision of goods and services.

Beth has a strong background as a meditator and facilitator. She is an accredited mediator and was previously a Senior Conciliator at the ACT Human Rights Commission and Australian Human Rights Commission. She worked with the Centre’s CEO to develop and deliver the ACT Government’s training package Domestic and Family Violence for Public Service Managers in 2019. Beth also regularly delivers legal education to the community, government, and businesses on employment and anti-discrimination law.

Beth has a Bachelor of Laws with First Class Honours and a Master of Laws. Beth was admitted to practice as a solicitor in 2012.