Our pro bono partners

The Centre receives extensive support from the Canberra legal and professional community, particularly in support of our litigation practice.

We have partnerships with leading legal and accounting firms helping us deliver high quality legal assistance to our clients and run a transparent and accountable organisation.

Pro bono support


We partner with the best lawyers and firms in Canberra so women who are experiencing financial disadvantage can still access the best advice. With their support, we increase our capacity to deliver more than 600 additional advices per year.


Many hands make light work. Our pro bono partners provide crucial organisational support, applying their specialist skill and expertise to help us make the Centre a high skilled and professional community legal centre. Our partnerships with leading professional service providers mean our in-house team can focus on what matters most: your safety and legal needs.


Sparke Helmore

The team at Sparke Helmore runs our CALD Women's Divorce Clinic for migrant women and our Wills Clinic. These clinics help the Centre expand our services to help more women who cannot afford private lawyers.

Clayton Utz

Clayton Utz runs our Victims of Crime Compensation clinic, helping vulnerable women access their entitlements after injury. You can read more about this clinic on our Services &Programs page.

HCC Domestic Violence Clinic

Our HCC Domestic Violence Clinic is staffed by the talented women of HCC lawyers, providing detailed family law advice to women experiencing or at risk of experiencing domestic and family violence.

Tuesday and Thursday Night Family Law Advice Clinic

Our Tuesday and Thursday Night Family Law Advice Clinic is staffed by our diligent pro bono volunteer lawyers from private local family law firms. We also have talented volunteer lawyers who attend the Centre every week in their own time to give advice to clients.

Slater and Gordon Lawyers

Slater and Gordon runs our pro bono Employment Clinic, providing free initial advice for women with employment law issues, such as unfair dismissal, general protections claims, underpayment of wages, and workplace discrimination.

Clayton Utz

Clayton Utz, in addition to their pro bono assistance through the Victims of Crime Compensation Clinic, also provide inhouse secondee support and secondary consult services to build the capacity of our employment law team and Executive. Clayton Utz are one of our longest serving pro bono partners and a key supporter.


Proximity generously provide a full-time secondee for three months every year, to provide legal and administrative support to our team. Proximity’s talented staff have helped the Centre streamline its policies, operate our advice line, bolster our employment law team and everything in between. Proximity has also helped our clients with valuable commercial law advice when it intersects with complicated family law property matters.


WLC has partnered with KPMG to provide tech forensic and forensic accounting services for our clients who have experienced financial abuse. This include free title searches and company searches for the Centre’s clients, recovery of deleted computer material and valuations of small businesses. This is a crucial service for our clients who have experienced economic abuse during their relationship and have limited information about relationship assets. With KPMG’s assistance, the Centre has been able to assist women to become financially independent and leave violent relationships, having full knowledge of the assets to obtain fair property settlements.

Australian Government Solicitor

AGS (Commonwealth) send their brightest graduate lawyers to provide legal and administrative support one day per week. AGS lawyers are expert legal researchers and drafters, helping the Centre and its clients deal with tricky legal matters with intelligence and precision.

King & Wood Mallesons

King Wood Mallesons provides valuable support to our Mulleun Mura program, providing advices on discrete technical issues of law which affect our Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander clients, as well as valuable community legal education information.

Our "friends on the phone"

Our client’s needs can be complex, and we collaborate with specialist practitioners to ensure our client’s receive expert advice for their situation.

We also have our “friends on the phone” who provide our lawyers with legal support when our work intersects with other specialist areas of practice outside our expertise. Tony Lane, Director and owner of local business Beacon Advisory is our go to for all questions about insolvency and bankruptcy. Stephen Bourke, Director at SuperSplitting, is one of Australia’s leading superannuation experts also a proud supporter of the Centre.