A woman in a telephone headset sits looking at two computer screens

EOFY Fundraising Drive - thank you!

In June 2023, Parker Coles Curtis Family Lawyers matched all donations up to $10,000!

Overall, the Centre raised over $20,000 to support our clients.

How will the money be used?

Money raised will support women afford the extra costs needed to solve a legal problem. These costs include things like the fees for filing documents in court, translating documents in English, getting specialist reports and sending documents to other parties safely.

In emergencies, we also help women with critical things so she can stay engaged with her legal process. This help can include things like like groceries, transport costs, baby supplies, medical tests and more.

Why do we need to fundraise?

The Women’s Legal Centre is not funded to cover these kinds of costs. Many of our clients have no income at all, or no access to funds while they escape domestic violence or as a result of unfairly losing their jobs. Others are on very low incomes.

Fundraising means we can give more women more help.

Our fundraising campaign may be over, but you can make a one-off or regular donation any time.
